My Fathers’ Day

My dad has been gone for over 20 years, but I still have great memories of him.  When I was very little I can remember him standing in a doorway and bracing his arm against one side of the door sill so that I could swing on his arm.  I remember his arm felt like wood, it was so solid.  I remember us walking uptown for malts. And I remember being awed when he and I would lay in the hammock and look at the stars with him pointing out the different ones to me — they looked so close!  I didn’t know about good dads or bad dads he was just my dad.  But now I know how fortunate I was that I had a dad who loved his family and worked hard to give us the very best life possible.  I look forward to seeing him in Heaven so that I can thank him for being such a good dad.

Hubby is celebrating two holidays today — Father’s Day and our anniversary.  So it gives me a chance to thank him for being a great husband for 46 years, but also a great father to our children.  Thank you love of my life, I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my life or raise my children with anyone else.

My Heavenly Father needs to be especially praised on Father’s Day too.  He gave fathers an example of good parenting — love them unconditionally but let them suffer the consequences of their actions.  I am so thankful that, as much as we love each other here on Earth, He loves each of us even more.

On this Father’s Day I am thankful for the three fathers who have blessed my life.

13 Responses to My Fathers’ Day

  1. Amy Ostrowski says:

    Happy Anniversary, Sandra!!! Thank you for reminding me that we need thank our heavenly Father! May all the Father’s have a wonderful day!

  2. Sandra says:

    Thank you, Amy. Happy Father’s Day to your husband! Have a great day. 🙂

  3. Hilary says:

    A lovely post, Sandra. Happy Anniversary to you. and Happy Father’s Day all around.

  4. Sandra says:

    Thank you, Hilary. 🙂

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both!! You are truly blessed to have found each other
    and have a wonderful life together. My dad has been gone since 1985; missed
    terribly,but,oh the great memories!! God love you both!! Yes,N.C. is nice!!

  6. Cheryl says:

    Happy Anniversary to you and hubby!!!! Happy Father’s day to hubby!!!!
    Hope you both had a wonderful day!!!! 🙂

  7. Sandra says:

    Shari — Thank you. I FEEL really blessed and try not to take it for granted. 🙂

    Thank you, Cheryl. We had a great day. 🙂

  8. C. Beth says:

    Amen, and happy anniversary

  9. Julie says:

    Great post Aunt Sandy and Happy Anniversary to you and Uncle ‘Hubby!’ I am so glad I was able to see you (twice) last week!

  10. Sandra says:

    Thank you, Beth. 🙂

    Julie — Thank you. I loved getting to see you too. 🙂

  11. Linda says:

    What a moving tribute to your earthly father, your Hubby, and your Heavenly Father. Perfect Father’s Day post. Hope you had a great day and a happy anniversary.

  12. Vicki says:

    Sweet tribute to the men in your life! I had a good dad too–not perfect, but an honest, decent man who worked hard to support his family and teach us the right values! I miss him everyday–he’s been gone from this earth since 1991.
    Happy Anniversary to you both! You got a good one for sure! Blessings to you both!

  13. Sandra says:

    Linda — Thank you. We did have a great day (brauts and sauerkraut, does it get any better than that?) And thank you for the personalized card you made us. You do a great job with those. 🙂

    Vicki — I believe I DID get a good one, thank you for agreeing with me! 🙂

    We were blessed with our daddies, weren’t we. And, fortunately, as long as we have great memories of them, they aren’t entirely gone. 🙂

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