Repost: Kids Have a Way of Drop Kicking Your Memories Like a Football!

January 29, 2013

Yes, this was posted the same day as the first post that was written by DD.  I had yet to understand the concept that you might actually run out of ideas of what to write, so should therefore only post once a day.  At this time I could not imagine running out of topics!


Kids Have a Way of Drop Kicking Your Memories Like a Football!

 September 22, 2007

Once when my daughter was 8 or 9 years old, she was sitting at the kitchen table watching me prepare dinner, and I told her I had fond memories of sitting at the kitchen table when I was a little girl, watching Mama peel and slice potatoes for supper.  Mama would even occasionally give me a slice to eat.  I don’t quite remember why I thought that was a treat – have you ever TASTED a raw potato?  But, anyway, it was a nice memory, and, of course, I hoped my daughter would someday have similar memories of me.

Well, she soon enough put paid to THAT hope.  After I shared my tender memory, she sweetly shared HER version – “Mommy, when I grow up I’m sure I’ll have just as great memories of you shaking the potato flakes out of the box.”

I believe God gives us children to keep up humble!

I have a plan!!

January 28, 2013

As some of you know, I have gotten wayyyyy out of the habit of writing posts here.  But recently it occurred to me that I should have been making copies of each of my posts as I went — instead of looking at copying almost 1,000 of them now.

Soooo, as I started copying them (and actually enjoying reading them again), I decided that I would post the ones I copy again, as I make the copy.  We’ll see how this works.  I may even slip in an original once in a while.

I started this blog in September, 2007, at the strong suggestion of my daughter (If you know her, you know how “persuasive” she can be — read that “pushy”).  But as it turns out, she was right — I’m so glad I got all these stories down.  Thanks, DD.

Here is post #1.

An Introduction to My Mother

My Mom is a funny lady.  She is hesitant about starting a blog but I know she will love it as soon as she gets a few comments (don’t forget to leave one).  Mostly she is truthful except everything she writes about me which is a complete fabrication.  She drinks (tea) way too much.  Actually, if she would have a real drink once in a while she’d think blogging is a terrific idea.

She lives with my Dad in retirement bliss  (his entire family is within earshot).  They’ve been married forever and are the only happily married couple that I know.  Okay, that’s a bit of an overstatement…..they are the happiest married couple I know.

Growing up with a funny mother has lots of advantages and one disadvantage — the funny is contagious.  Here’s hoping you enjoy her wit and charm as much as I do.  I love you Mom.