We Have a Wee Suggestion About Wii

As you may remember, Hubby and I purchased a Wii a few months ago.  And, I must say, we have used it alot — especially the bowling and tennis.  Both are really fun and seem to be good exercise, but the tennis is especially  physical, and actually makes me sweat! (Wait — ladies don’t sweat, right?  Okay then, It makes me “glow with liquid sunlight!”)

But, here is my concern, which I have talked about enough that I have talked Hubby into making it (or at least pretending it is) his “concern” too. (Marriage is like that, isn’t it?) 

My concern is that I am left handed, so I am, naturally, constantly swinging, lifting, extending, waving (and, of course, pumping, when I do my victory dance!) MY LEFT ARM.  What about my poor, under-utilized, ignored, flabby RIGHT ARM?  And, since Hubby is right handed, I’m concerned about his poor left arm!  (Although, if I remember correctly, he uses both arms in his victory dance, so he may not be in as much “uneven-ness trouble” as me.) 

Years down the road, are people who see me going to say, “Doesn’t she look nice — so toned.  You know she’s used a Wii for years.  But, wait!  What on earth is that limp, flabby, unattractive appendage on her right side? Oh, my lands, Ethel — IT’S HER RIGHT ARM!!  What a shame!  But, other than that, she looks very nice, very natural.  Anyway, we’d better move along now.  The viewing’s over in ten minutes.  Let’s stop for a cup of coffee and a piece of pie on our way home, shall we?”  But I digress. 

Right now, while I’m still among the living — My problem:  Uneven exercise for my arms.  My solution:  A RIGHT HANDED alter-ego!

Her name is Gigi.  She is taller and slimmer than me, and has long, flowing reddish blonde hair, and, most importantly, she’s RIGHT HANDED.  But I’ve got to tell you, for all she’s got going for her looks-wise, she is noooooo athlete!  I haven’t even let her try bowling yet.  But, in tennis she hits the ball alllll over the place and hasn’t won a match yet.  I actually think I can see the guys on the other side of the net smirking, only because they’re too polite to laugh out loud.  But, she IS execising my right arm, so I’m going to cut her some slack right now and keep her on the payroll. 

By the way, as further proof that looks really don’t matter, Hubby’s LEFT HANDED alter-ego is a quite unattractive old man named Bubba, who has a perpetual smug look on his face, and is already winning most of the time in tennis.  Apparently, Hubby’s been giving Bubba lessons before he “brought him on-board” so he’s alot better than Gigi. 

One of us likes to “win” the Mental Attitude Award and one of us just likes to win.  Can you guess which is which?  Oh well, we’re having fun, and if you have a Wii, you might want to try our solution to “evening up” your exercise. 


8 Responses to We Have a Wee Suggestion About Wii

  1. karen says:

    LOL. We don’t have a Wii yet. The American version won’t work with NZ purchased games, so we are hold off till we move back home to NZ.

    I often play a friends and have noticed the same thing. Fortunately I am ambidextorous, so I can play with either arm.

    Are you getting that new exercise game for the Wii? That looks totally cool and is on my ‘Must Have’ list when we get a Wii.

  2. karen says:

    Sighhh, I must learn to proof read !! Is there a Wii game that teaches you that?? 🙂

  3. Cyndie says:

    We have a way to exercise BOTH arms at the same time – we play Donkey Kong Barrel Blast. That game uses BOTH arms and it gives you quite a workout. My arms are very sore the next day after playing so then I have to revert back to tamer games like Pinball and MarioKart – which, by the way, you can play against your friends on line!

  4. tz says:

    but when you’re playing real tennis you only use one arm and the other still looks good??????

    one of my children’s favorite things to do with the wii is create mii-s we have a whole village.

  5. Sandra says:

    Cyndie — You’re wayyyy beyond me on the subject of Wii games! I’m not acquainted with any of the ones you mention. I’m sure we’ll gradually expand our horizons in that regard. Thanks for the suggestions.

    tz — I’m old — don’t confuse me with the facts! Of course, you’re right about real tennis. But do you suppose it isn’t the tennis that keeps both their arms looking like bands of steel — but all the hours they spend in the weight room to PREPARE for tennis? Anyway, I’m enjoying working with “Gigi” to make her better at tennis. :}

    btw, DD’s daughters have created all kinds of Mii’s on their system too. It’s a little disconcerting to play baseball and have Santa or Mrs. Claus assigned to your team!

  6. I wish I could be a fly on the wall at your house; you two (or four) sound like a lot of fun! 🙂

  7. Sandra says:

    Karen — Don’t know how I missed you! Yes, I would like to get the fitness game. I hear it’s really neat.

    HPKT — I’ve told Hubby many times over the years, “You could have married better, but I don’t think you could have married “funner!”

  8. kendrid says:

    I wish on the next supersmash bro instead of using L and R for block. They should change one of the buttom to do other new moves

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