You Can’t Buy This kind of Humor!

Linda is one funny friend.  And, because we’re friends, I know she won’t mind me sharing some of her recent humor.

On vacation, when we were still in the bug-problem condos we were first given, I went to the adjoining door one morning and knocked so that I could tell Linda something (probably to report our latest bug count!).  When she opened the door, her hair was standing up all over her head (she was using the lift hunks of hair and spray with hair spray trick to give her hair body).  Her “look” surprised me and I blurted out, “Nice hair!”  Ever the quick wit, she responded, “Nice face!”  I had forgotten that I hadn’t put make-up on yet.

When we went to Dollywood, Linda and I both wore visors.  But, when we went to a little bakery in the park for lunch, we took our visors off.  I put mine on the seat beside me, but clever Linda put hers on her knee.  After we had eaten, we needed some more napkins to clean up, so Linda went to the counter to get some.  When she returned and sat down she suddenly laughed.  She said she had wondered why it felt like her pants were “bunching” around her knee when she was walking, and now she knew why.  She had walked across the busy restaurant and back with her visor “shading” her knee!

And, finally, as I’ve told you before, we now have a Wii.  So, Linda and UD sometimes come over and bowl on it with us.  So far, the place that has been easiest for us to hook up the Wii is on the TV in our bedroom.  so, when they come over, we take extra chairs into the bedroom, so that we can all sit down, and bowl in there!  So, Linda now refers to our bedroom as the bowling alley.

What a hoot she is — and a good friend too.  What more can I ask!

6 Responses to You Can’t Buy This kind of Humor!

  1. esby says:

    Sounds like a fun friendship. If someone can make me laugh, that means the world to me.

  2. esby says:

    Oops…that was me: SBW. I created an account on wordpress and didn’t realize I was still logged-in.

  3. Linda says:

    It’s a compliment to be called “funny” by one of the funniest people I know! And I mean that in the nicest way.

  4. Sandra says:

    SBW — It is a FUN friendship — the best kind!

    Linda — Thank you. That’s the reason I like you — you think I’M funny! :}

  5. I love Linda’s sense of humor, too. And I wish I could come over and check out your Wii. I’ve heard they have Yoga. Have you tried it?

  6. Sandra says:

    HPKT — A funny friend like Linda is a treasure.

    I think the yoga is part of the new fitness game. We don’t have it yet, but I hope to soon!

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