Now THAT’S a welcome!

When we arrived at DD’s house in Chicago on Saturday, her girls had been busy decorating the driveway with a welcome for us!

Just looking at that driveway makes me smile. I can picture all the love and energy (not to mention all the chalk!) that went into its decoration.  Thank you Coco, Lulu and Mimi.

Grandchildren are the best.

8 Responses to Now THAT’S a welcome!

  1. Leigh says:

    I love the girls’ names! Are they their full names or nicknames? Very original and neat! We do alot of sidewalk chalk at our house too…Kim and I love to get in on it!

  2. C. Beth says:

    Aww–that is awesome!! I love it!!

  3. Sandra says:

    Leigh — They are nicknames. Sidewalk chalk is a wonderful invention, isn’t it. We always keep some on hand too, but I have to admit we don’t participate in the art — we are just the appreciative audience. 🙂

    Beth — I’m guessing some sidewalk chalk lives at your house too — or will in the future. Right? It’s definitely great inspiration for creativity.

  4. Linda says:

    Wow! I’m impressed. The girls did an amazing job. It looks as if they really put some effort into it. It’s a tribute to how well you’re doing this long-distance grandparenting thing.

  5. Sandra says:

    Linda — Actually it was a little overwhelming! ALOT of chalk went down during that project! It was very impressive. I don’t know how well we’re doing everything else, but we definitely love them. 🙂

  6. Chrissy Witt says:

    That’s priceless!! Love it!!

  7. Hope says:

    My grandchildren also wrote in chalk on the wall their mom painted in the kitchen with chalkboard paint…said the same…

    WELOME Nana and Papa!!

    Thank you for putting me on your sidebar..a pleasant surprise for me to see. I do hope your readers will come by and be aware of Breast Cancer issues BEFORE they come to us. Thank you so much.

    and thank you for passing my way..

  8. Sandra says:

    Hope — These same grandchildren also have an entire wall in a room off the kitchen that is painted with chalkboard paint. They get alot of enjoyment out of it.

    I guess it would be hard NOT to be aware of the fight against breast cancer right now, wouldn’t it — there is certainly lots of positive publicity going on. I’m much more aware now that I have made friends with a breast cancer survivor through book club — and she works for the local cancer services so I
    get involved in walks, etc.

    Keep up the good work!

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